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Introducing SourceBoard a personalized desktop news dashboard that tracks over 4,000 reliable sources from China and around the world. Designed for individual users, it provides real-time updates and allows you to curate and customize your own sources, breaking free from information silos and building a well-rounded understanding of the world.

The information challenges we all faceIn today’s world of information overload, we’re bombarded with endless content every day – much of it repetitive and lacking in originality. Platform algorithms, driven by a focus on maximizing traffic, tend to prioritize mainstream content, burying niche, specialized and in-depth information. This traps us in information silos and algorithmic echo chambers, leading to constant information fatigue and growing anxiety.

Information overload
Echo chambers
Information silos

How SourceBoard addresses the challenges

Aggregation of diverse sources

SourceBoard brings together high-quality updates from 1,065 institutions and opinion leaders across government, media, academia and business in China and around the world, helping users break free from information silos and access diverse perspectives.

Personalized interface

With a customizable dashboard, users can efficiently track information without being overwhelmed by redundant content, eliminating the need to switch between platforms and devices.

Custom sources

Premium users can submit their preferred sources for SourceBoard to quickly configure a personalized dashboard, meeting the need for tailored information collection.

SourceBoard features

Flexible subscriptions

SourceBoard offers over 4,000 quality sources categorized into ten groups: central government agencies, state news organizations, mainstream domestic media, market-driven outlets, independent bloggers and influencers, social media trends, academic updates, international organizations, global think tanks and Chinese tech giants operating abroad. Users can easily subscribe to or unsubscribe from any source.

Personalized source curation

If the available sources don’t fully meet a user’s needs, premium users can submit links to their preferred sources, and SourceBoard will quickly configure them into a personalized dashboard.

Who are using SourceBoard?

Media professionals

News and content creators who need comprehensive daily scanning of current events in their industry.

Research-driven professionals

Public relations practitioners, think tank researchers, government officials, investors and analysts who need to closely monitor public discourse and stay ahead of policy, market and industry trends.

Researchers and scientists

Legal professionals, scholars, scientists and students who require timely updates on the latest academic achievements, industry developments, recruitment and examination notices and bidding announcements.

Everyday users

Anyone looking to cut through the noise and access accurate and relevant information.

User testimonials

“I find SourceBoard to be a game-changer, greatly enhancing my information browsing experience. Its single-interface, multi-section format allows me to dive into and cross-reference various fields of interest efficiently.”
Premium user Watt Jr.
“Quality content is all about depth, analysis, and precision… It’s crucial to balance mainstream appeal with the needs of different audience groups. We can’t just cater to popular trends or accept every source—we need to be discerning.”
Premium user Yun Zhong Jun
“SourceBoard has provided an excellent platform… I’m thrilled that professional media experts are tackling the challenges of information aggregation.”
User Nick Nie


Ideal for first-time SourceBoard users or those who follow only a few sources regularly.
8 boards
No custom sources
Perfect for users who need to track more than 8 sources daily and stay focused on specific fields.
Just 1.2 CYN per day on average
30 boards
8 custom sources
Perfect for professionals who need to monitor over 30 sources daily and require highly customized options.
Just 2.2 CYN per day on average
Unlimited boards
30 custom sources
Ideal for first-time SourceBoard users or those who follow only a few sources regularly.
8 boards
No custom sources
Perfect for users who need to track more than 8 sources daily and stay focused on specific fields.
Just 1.2 CYN per day on average
30 boards
8 custom sources
Perfect for professionals who need to monitor over 30 sources daily and require highly customized options.
Just 2.2 CYN per day on average
Unlimited boards
30 custom sources

Frequently asked questions

Q: How does SourceBoard select its sources?

A: SourceBoard features over 4,000 high-quality sources curated from 1,065 institutions and opinion leaders. These sources are carefully chosen by SourceEngine’s intelligence experts based on their expertise and multiple rounds of user research. Criteria include the nature of the sources, content quality and update frequency.