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Tracking competitors’ moves

The client

Our client, the internal strategy team of a leading Internet e-commerce company, is tasked with providing senior executives and department leaders with up-to-date intelligence on competitors to inform strategic decisions.

The Challenge

In a rapidly evolving market, competitors launch new products, technologies and marketing strategies on a daily basis. Relying solely on human resources to scan and collect all relevant updates in a timely and comprehensive manner is impractical. Additionally, extracting crucial insights from vast amounts of fragmented information to predict competitors’ next moves adds another layer of complexity.

Our Solution

We provided the client with a robust intelligence solution tailored to their needs. This included an extensive list of reliable open sources, covering hundreds of official channels, industry experts, customer representatives and premium media outlets from around the world. To ensure precise and relevant data collection, we developed detailed keyword strategies and filtering rules. Additionally, we customized AI model prompts to align with the client’s intelligence analysis methods, optimizing their ability to efficiently gather and analyze critical intelligence.

The results

In a follow-up visit, the client reported that SourceIntel reduced the team’s information anxiety by at least 50% and helped them capture important intelligence that often went unnoticed. One executive remarked, “I might not have clicked (on this particular article) if it weren’t for SourceIntel’s extraction.”

SourceIntel has not only significantly cut down the cost of intelligence collection but also empowered the team to effectively share critical information with hundreds of key personnel within the company. This enhancement has bolstered the company’s real-time response to industry trends, ensuring they maintain a competitive edge in a dynamic market.